Rethink. Reskill. Reboot Campaign - My Thoughts
Rethink. Reskill. Reboot Campaign - My Thoughts
Cast yourself back to your time at school and the lessons and chats that came up about the future. Do you remember thinking about what you wanted to do and which industry you dreamt about working in?
Fast forward to the present day
Today the pictures from the Rethink. Reskill and Reboot campaign started to do the rounds on Twitter. Some hoped they could be a joke but sadly they are not.
The Arts and Entertainment industry has taken it's biggest knock due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, with venues slowly starting only now after 7 months to reopen with Social Distancing and new rules and regulations in place. Life isn't normal, it's far from normal as there are no definite answers for anyone.
To see these pictures today has really made me angry. You are looking at industries where people have trained years to do what they do. From Actors and Singers to Dancers and every single person that works behind the scenes.
These jobs aren't ones that have been started over night, people have put years of work into training to be where they are in the industry they have chosen.
To hear the word Unviable is just an insult. When the theatre is open and Live Music events are taking place then everyone is viable and looked after.
Rethink. Reskill. Reboot - along with everyone else who has either lost their job or currently has no work please tell me where the support is and also the jobs.
Work needs to be done to rescue the industry and support every single person because as soon the limitations and hurdles are lifted it'll be a different story.
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