Magic Mike London
Magic Mike Live London
Hey Everyone
So hot on the heals of Magic Mike Vegas came the news in the Summer of 2018 that the show was heading to London. Selling out pretty much every night the show has become a massive hit in its Central London home at the Hippodrome in Leicester Square.
I loved the show in Vegas and have been interested to see how it would be on stage here. Last nights visit was a birthday celebration for one of my closest friends. I have to say a massive thank you to the staff that let me pick up the VIP Lanyards early. The staff in general were all amazing from the moment you arrive and all the way through the show.
The show itself was brilliant, there are a lot of elements I recognised from the Vegas show which all worked perfectly on the new stage here. Without giving much away no matter where you sit you won't miss out on anything no matter what level you are seated on.
If you are looking for a girlie night out the show is currently booking till October 19 so don't miss out.
Hope you've enjoyed the blog
Let me know below if you've seen the show and what did you think
Have a great week
Love Holly
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